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Open Your Research Without Opening Your Wallet
Open Access Week at Gettysburg College
  • Janelle L. Wertzberger, Gettysburg College
Specialty Dining 19
Start Date
10-20-2015 12:00 PM
End Date
10-20-2015 1:00 PM

Open scholarship promotes sharing and collaboration, increases readership, and amplifies impact. It is gaining traction as institutions, professional associations, and funding agencies encourage or require broad sharing of research results. Yet many authors believe that the only way to open their work is to pay publishers thousands of dollars for the privilege. Luckily for us, that just isn’t the case. Come hear about a range of ways to open your research without paying for the privilege!

Lunch provided.

(Limited seating, RSVP to

Document Type
Citation Information
Janelle L. Wertzberger. "Open Your Research Without Opening Your Wallet" (2015)
Available at: