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The Political Participation of First Year Social Work Students: Does Practice Specialization Matter?
School of Social Work Faculty Publications
  • Jason Ostrander, Sacred Heart University
  • Janelle K. Bryan, University of Connecticut
  • Addie Sandler
  • Paula Nieman
  • Maureen Clark
  • Emily Loveland
  • Tanya Rhodes Smith
Document Type
Peer-Reviewed Article
Publication Date

This study identifies the types of political participation engaged in by MSW students (n=214). A self-report survey administered to MSW students at a Northeastern university indicates limited political involvement. MSW students participate in political activities not requiring significant time, energy, or resources. Furthermore, on the scale and its two subscales, micro-oriented students had less political participation than macro-oriented students. This study suggests firstyear social work students may lack the tools to engage in the political process effectively. Schools of social work should include political participation education in both micro and macro foundation courses and field placements


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Citation Information

Ostrander, J., Bryan, J., Sandler, A., Nieman, P., Clark, M., Loveland, E., & Smith, T. R. (2018). The political participation of first year social work students: Does practice specialization matter? Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 45(3), 39. , Retrieved from