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Bringing Underserved Staff Online @ LMU
LMU Librarian Publications & Presentations
  • Jamie G. Hazlitt, Loyola Marymount University
  • Raymundo Andrade, Loyola Marymount University
Document Type
Conference Poster
Publication Date

One tangible benefit of working at a university is the number of opportunities for continuing education. At LMU, these resources abound for white-­‐collar, professional staff. But results from a 2010 survey initiated by the library and ITS indicated that the majority of respondents from LMU Facilities employees were unaware that library and technology workshops (which take place year-­round) were offered at all. Through grassroots efforts, Raymundo Andrade and Jamie Hazlitt opened the lines of communication with facilities administration, offered basic technology and English language training opportunities for service staff, and tangibly improved the technology skills and enriched the lives of staff members from LMU facilities department through a series of bilingual workshops.


This poster was presented at the American Library Association Annual Conference Diversity and Outreach Fair in July, 2012.

The project received a 2013 Inclusive Excellence Grant from Loyola Marymount University, and was recognized by both LMU staff senate and the LMU intercultural advisory council as an area for university investment. As of 2017, bilingual technology skills training and opportunities for English-language learning have been integrated into new staff orientation and ongoing professional development geared towards LMU facilities staff.

View the LibGuide with additional supplemental information for the project, including marketing materials and survey results.

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Citation Information
Hazlitt, J., & Andrade, R. (2012, July). Bringing Underserved Staff Online @ LMU [Conference Poster]. American Library Association Annual Conference Diversity and Outreach Fair.