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Artificial Minds and Human Religions: An illustration of the diversity of possible intersections between religious thought and practice and technological advances
Transdisciplinary approaches of the dialogue between science, art, and religion in the Europe of tomorrow
  • James F McGrath, Butler University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date

A survey of recent science-fiction would show that the theme of this paper -artificial minds and human religions -is one that is of significant interest in our time... Furthermore, science-fiction provides an opportunity to explore future possibilities, and exploring where technology might take us and how religious traditions might respond seems more advisable than waiting until developments actually occur, and then scrambling to respond.


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Citation Information
“Artificial Minds and Human Religions: An illustration of the diversity of possible intersections between religious thought and practice and technological advances,” Transdisciplinary Approaches of the Dialogue between Science, Art and Religion in the Europe of Tomorrow. 9-11 September 2007 edited by Basarab Nicolescu and Magda Stavinschi (Sibiu: Curtea Veche, 2008).