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The Philadelphia Award for 1984: Jennifer Allcock
The Philadelphia Award 90th anniversary project (2012)
  • James Gross, Drexel University

This biography of Dr. Jennifer Allcock is part of a collective work for recipients of the Philadelphia Award. Dr. Jennifer Allcock won the award in 1984 for her efforts to extend healthcare to underprivileged communities in North Philadelphia by her establishment of the Covenant House. She later participated in the Guilford Conservation Commission from 2004-2010 in Connecticut and served as its Chairperson.

Publication Date
David haugaard, Lee Arnold
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Publisher Statement
This pre-publication copy may differ slightly from the final collective version. The final version may have been edited for space by the collective work editor. The author of this work assumes no liability for any errors or content.
Citation Information
James Gross. "The Philadelphia Award for 1984: Jennifer Allcock" PhiladelphiaThe Philadelphia Award 90th anniversary project (2012)
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