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Using relative head and hand-target features to predict intention in 3D moving-target selection
Psychology Conference Papers, Posters, and Presentations
  • Juan Sebastian Casallas, Iowa State University
  • James H. Oliver, Iowa State University
  • Jonathan W. Kelly, Iowa State University
  • Frederic Merienne, Arts et Metiers Paris Tech
  • Samir Garbaya, Arts et Metiers Paris Tech
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
2014 IEEE Virtual Reality
Publication Version
Accepted Manuscript
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Publication Date
Conference Title
2014 IEEE Virtual Reality
Conference Date
March 29-April 2, 2014
(44.977753, -93.26501080000003)
Abstract: Selection of moving targets is a common, yet complex task in human-computer interaction (HCI) and virtual reality (VR). Predicting user intention may be beneficial to address the challenges inherent in interaction techniques for moving-target selection. This article extends previous models by integrating relative head-target and hand-target features to predict intended moving targets. The features are calculated in a time window ending at roughly two-thirds of the total target selection time and evaluated using decision trees. With two targets, this model is able to predict user choice with up to ~ 72% accuracy on general moving-target selection tasks and up to ~ 78% by also including task-related target properties.

This is a manuscript of a conference proceeding published as Casallas, Juan Sebastian, James H. Oliver, Jonathan W. Kelly, Frédéric Merienne, and Samir Garbaya. "Using relative head and hand-target features to predict intention in 3D moving-target selection." In Virtual Reality (VR), 2014 iEEE, pp. 51-56. IEEE, 2014. Posted with permission.

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Citation Information
Juan Sebastian Casallas, James H. Oliver, Jonathan W. Kelly, Frederic Merienne, et al.. "Using relative head and hand-target features to predict intention in 3D moving-target selection" Minneapolis, MN(2014)
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