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Il Dossier Della “Domus Divina” in Egitto
Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
  • James G Keenan, Loyola University Chicago
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date
Publisher Name
American Society of Papyrologists

The book builds upon seventy references, certain (SR) or conjectural (12), to the domus divina in Egypt. There are three major parts, labeled A, B, and C. Part A (pp. 4-52) discusses the testimonia according to defined topics. Part 1\ (pp. 53-121) catalogues them in chronological order into what the author calls a '"dossier."' (Numbers and references to assured testimonia are in roman, those to conjectural ones are in italic type.) Part C. (pp. 122·133) provides concordances and indices to the dossier. There are four brief appendices (pp. 134·144). One(!), by T.M. Hickey, provides an edition of P.Giss. inv. 48 (= Part B 12); the other three (II-IV), by the author, propose revised readings for three other papyri relevant to the main topic. Bibllography (pp. 145·153) and general indices (pp. 151-161) complete this compact volume.


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Citation Information
Keenan, JG. "Review of Il Dossier Della 'Domus Divina' in Egitto." Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 51, 2014.