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A. Philip Randolph and Boston's African-American Railroad Worker
Trotter Review
  • James R. Green, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Robert C. Hayden
Publication Date
On October 8, 1988, a group of retired Pullman car porters and dining car waiters gathered in Boston's Back Bay Station for the unveiling of a larger-than-life statue of A. Philip Randolph. During the 1920s and 1930s, Randolph was a pioneering black labor leader who led the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. He came to be considered the "father of the modern civil rights movement" as a result of his efforts to desegregate World War II defense jobs and the military services. Randolph's importance as a militant leader is highlighted by a quote inscribed on the base of the statue which reads, in part: "Freedom is never granted; it is won. Justice is never given; it is exacted."
Citation Information
James R. Green and Robert C. Hayden. "A. Philip Randolph and Boston's African-American Railroad Worker" (1992)
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