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Incremental Test Collections
Computer Science Department Faculty Publication Series
  • Ben Carterette, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • James Allan, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Publication Date

Corpora and topics are readily available for information retrieval research. Relevance judgments, which are necessary for system evaluation, are expensive; the cost of obtaining them prohibits in-house evaluation of retrieval systems on new corpora or new topics. We present an algorithm for cheaply constructing sets of relevance judgments. Our method intelligently selects documents to be judged and decides when to stop in such a way that with very little work there can be a high degree of confidence in the result of the evaluation. We demonstrate the algorithm's effectiveness by showing that it produces small sets of relevance judgments that reliably discriminate between two systems. The algorithm can be used to incrementally design retrieval systems by simultaneously comparing sets of systems. The number of additional judgments needed after each incremental design change decreases at a rate reciprocal to the number of systems being compared. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, we evaluate TREC ad hoc submissions, showing that with 95% fewer relevance judgments we can reach a Kendall's tau rank correlation of at least 0.9.

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Citation Information
Ben Carterette and James Allan. "Incremental Test Collections" (2005)
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