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Determining whether metals nucleate homogeneously on graphite: A case study with copper
Physical Review B
  • David Victor Appy, Iowa State University
  • Huaping Lei, Iowa State University
  • Yong Han, Iowa State University
  • Cai-Zhuang Wang, Ames Laboratory
  • Michael C. Tringides, Iowa State University
  • Dahai Shao, Iowa State University
  • Emma Jane Kwolek, Iowa State University
  • James W. Evans, Iowa State University
  • Patricia A. Thiel, Iowa State University
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Publication Version
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We observe that Cu clusters grow on surface terraces of graphite as a result of physical vapor deposition in ultrahigh vacuum. We show that the observation is incompatible with a variety of models incorporating homogeneous nucleation and calculations of atomic-scale energetics. An alternative explanation, ion-mediated heterogeneous nucleation, is proposed and validated, both with theory and experiment. This serves as a case study in identifying when and whether the simple, common observation of metal clusters on carbon-rich surfaces can be interpreted in terms of homogeneous nucleation. We describe a general approach for making system-specific and laboratory-specific predictions.


This article is from Physical Review B 90 (2014): 195406, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.195406. Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
American Physical Society
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Citation Information
David Victor Appy, Huaping Lei, Yong Han, Cai-Zhuang Wang, et al.. "Determining whether metals nucleate homogeneously on graphite: A case study with copper" Physical Review B Vol. 90 Iss. 19 (2014) p. 195406-1 - 195406-6
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