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Building Sustainable Assessment: One University's Experience
Assessment Update (2008)
  • T. Anagnos, San Jose State University
  • B. Conry, San Jose State University
  • S. Guenter, San Jose State University
  • Jacqueline Snell, San Jose State University
  • B. Von Till, San Jose State University

Outcomes assessment often becomes a focus of attention as a response to accreditation requirements. But if the emphasis is short-term, it can produce crisis-mode frustrations that will be repeated each time accreditation rolls around. Increasingly, accreditation agencies are asking for evidence that program-level assessment is ongoing. This article summarizes steps taken at San Jose State University (SJSU) to develop systems that will ensure sustainable and ongoing assessment and program improvement activities

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Citation Information
T. Anagnos, B. Conry, S. Guenter, Jacqueline Snell, et al.. "Building Sustainable Assessment: One University's Experience" Assessment Update Vol. 20 (2008)
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