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Background Odors in Tedlar® Bags Used for CAFO Odor Sampling
2003 ASAE Annual International Meeting (2003)
  • David B. Parker, West Texas A&M University
  • Marty B. Rhoades, West Texas A&M University
  • Jacek A. Koziel, Texas A&M University
  • Jarett Spinhirne, Texas A&M University
Tedlar® film is manufactured in a wet solvent process and continues to emit organic compounds after manufacturing. Tedlar® bags are used for odor sampling at concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Odor regulations for CAFOs vary widely, but maximum detection thresholds (DTs) of 2 to 15 have been proposed downwind of feeding operations. Results at the WTAMU Olfactometry Laboratory have shown that both commercially available Tedlar® bags and homemade Tedlar® bags have a detectable background odor (DTs of 20 to 60 typical) even following standard protocols for purging. Purging the bags before sampling was not effective in reducing DTs to acceptable levels, as verified with SPME analysis. Conditioning the Tedlar® bags by heating for 24 hrs at 100°C, when combined with purging immediately after heating and again prior to odor sampling, reduced background DTs to 10-14. This is an acceptable range for odor sampling at open lot beef cattle feedyards or any other locations where DTs are expected to be greater than this range.
Publication Date
July, 2003
Las Vegas, NV, United States
Citation Information
David B. Parker, Marty B. Rhoades, Jacek A. Koziel and Jarett Spinhirne. "Background Odors in Tedlar® Bags Used for CAFO Odor Sampling" 2003 ASAE Annual International Meeting (2003)
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