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Let’s Make A Change: Implementing a Standardized Training Orientation in the Immunology Department
  • Inda Nunez, University of San Francisco
The profession of nursing aims at the provision of quality health care services for all patients. As a result, there is a persistent need to focus on the improvement and capacity building of the nurses through the creation of viable approaches and an enabling environment. Proper training and orientation play an integral role in the development and sustenance of requisite skills in the nursing field. With the increasing number of staff in the organization, it is pivotal to employ a standardized training process. The presence of a prudently crafted manual ensures that the employees receive enhanced, simplified, and homogenous training in an environment constructive for learning. It is imperative to adopt a formalized mechanism of administration, especially when there is a continuous influx of new employees. In this case, a training manual would be a pragmatic tool for management to utilize to increase competency, comprehension, and retention of nursing staff. 
The state of a health care facility is measured by the turnover, retention, and the quality of the care provided to its patients. Work processes of a facility carry a tremendous financial implication to the organization. It can be detrimental to both the department and staff if relevant departments or management personnel do not adequately monitor the efficiency of the work environment.  Acceding beyond the revenues, the costs may include loss of the organization’s knowledge reservoir and talent in the form of experienced nurses due to job satisfaction. This project includes recommendations of training competencies modeled by the Donna Wright and Lippincott’s training methods to increase comprehension, proficiency, and retention of the nurses in the immunology department. The application of the project followed the guidance of Kurt Lewin’s Change Management theory.
Publication Date
Fall December 15, 2017
Field of study
Clinical Nurse Leader
Mary Lou De Natale and Robin Jackson
Citation Information
Inda Nunez. "Let’s Make A Change: Implementing a Standardized Training Orientation in the Immunology Department" (2017)
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