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Academic Librarians and Labor Unions: Attitudes and Experiences
portal: Libraries and the Academy (2018)
  • Ian McCullough
This research project investigates librarians’ attitudes toward unions and collective bargaining through data collected from a nationwide survey of 359 academic librarians in the United States. We found that academic librarians have a generally positive view of unions and collective bargaining agreements, a notable result in a national political atmosphere that is demonstrably anti-union. Union membership is strongly bound to faculty status. Our research results imply that unionization and collective bargaining provide stronger job protections and higher wages than faculty status alone, and suggest that discussions of faculty status in academic libraries may not have provided best possible way to enhance the status of our profession.
  • libraries,
  • unions,
  • faculty status,
  • collective bargaining,
  • librarians
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
This is the accepted, copy edited, and peer-review post-print of the original journal article. Original available at:
Citation Information
Ian McCullough. "Academic Librarians and Labor Unions: Attitudes and Experiences" portal: Libraries and the Academy Vol. 18 Iss. 4 (2018) p. 805 - 829 ISSN: 1530-7131
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