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Unpublished Paper
Predictors of Marital Satisfaction within an Orthodox Jewish Sample
  • Hod Tamir
Romantic experiences in adolescence have been found to predict relationship stability and marital status in adulthood. Religious practice and belief also have been linked to many benefits, including increased marital satisfaction and overall wellbeing. However, certain religions limit cross-gender interaction in areas of education, social interaction, and romantic relationships. Although gender segregation has been studied in educational and occupational contexts, no previous research has addressed religious gender segregation and its impact on relationship development, marital satisfaction, and overall wellbeing. The present study addressed the generalizability of data on cross-gender experience derived from normative populations to a religious subculture, outlining predictors for marital satisfaction and wellbeing in an Orthodox Jewish sample. Results showed some similarities between normative populations and the unique Orthodox Jewish culture represented by the study sample. However factors such as cross gender experience also illustrated divergent paths and outcomes for this sample. This study demonstrates the influence of societal norms and the importance of addressing cultural context when evaluating marital satisfaction.
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Citation Information
Hod Tamir. "Predictors of Marital Satisfaction within an Orthodox Jewish Sample" (2013)
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