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They (don’t) care about education: A counternarrative on Black male students’ responses to inequitable schooling
Educational Foundations (2012)
  • Shaun R. Harper, University of Pennsylvania
  • Charles H.F. Davis, III, University of Arizona

Presented in this article is a counternarrative concerning one particular message that is consistently reinforced in academic and public discourse about Black male students: they don’t care about education. Little is known about those who graduate from high school, enroll in college, and subsequently commit themselves to various career pathways in education fields (K-12 teaching and administration, the postsecondary professoriate, education policy, etc.). What compels these men to care so much about education, despite what is routinely reported in the literature regarding their gradual disinvestment in schooling? This question is explored in the article using data from 304 Black male undergraduates attending 209 colleges and universities across the United States. It counters longstanding perspectives on Black men’s oppositional responses to inequitable schooling.

  • Black Male Achievement,
  • Black Men College,
  • African American College
Publication Date
Citation Information
Harper, S. R., & Davis III, C. H. F. (2012). They (don’t) care about education: A counternarrative on Black male students’ responses to inequitable schooling. Educational Foundations, 26(1), 103-120.