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Factors of Password-based Authentication
AMCIS 2013 Proceedings
  • Herbert J. Mattord, Kennesaw State University
  • Yair Levy, Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States.
  • Steven Furnell, Plymouth University
Presenting Author
Herbert Mattord
Paper Type
Research-in-Progress Paper

Organizations continue to rely on password-based authentication methods to control access to many Web-based systems. This research study developed a benchmarking instrument intended to assess authentication methods used in Web-based information systems (IS. This approach explored how authentication practices can be measured in three component areas: 1) password strength requirements, 2) password usage methods, and 3) password reset requirements. This report explores the criteria that are required to define these component areas.

Citation Information
Herbert J. Mattord, Yair Levy and Steven Furnell. "Factors of Password-based Authentication"
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