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Reflections on Corporeal Existence
Feministische Phänomenologie und Hermeneutik (2005)
  • Helen A Fielding, The University of Western Ontario
Fielding argues that neither the socialization account of sex and gender which ultimately relies on an objectivist approach to the body, nor a poststructuralist account which understands the body as discursively engendered, are sufficient for challenging mind/body dualism nor for elaborating on the potentiality of the body for feminist theory. However, the phenomenological approach of Maurice Merleau-Ponty allows us to rethink the relationship of mind and body by accounting for the natural aspects of the body articulated in terms of capacities as well as for the signification of language. Importantly, this phenomenal body, as the intersection of nature and culture, offers emancipatory possibilities for feminist theorizing since these capacities can be understood in terms of their potentiality. In other words, agency does not lie solely in the cognitive but rather begins with the corporeal.
Publication Date
Silvia Stoller, Veronica Vasterling and Linda Fisher
Königshausen & Neumann
Citation Information
Helen A Fielding. "Reflections on Corporeal Existence" Würzburg, GermanyFeministische Phänomenologie und Hermeneutik (2005)
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