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A literacy-based approach to the advanced French writing course
The French Review (2009)
  • Heather Willis Allen, University of Miami
This article describes an advanced-level French writing course designed using a multiple literacies approach. Before discussing this course, an overview of research on the current state of the advanced foreign language curriculum is provided and literacy is posited as a framing construct. A description is given of the French writing course and its final teaching module in which Anna Gavalda’s Je voudrais que quelqu’un m’attende quelque part (2001) is used as students identify and analyze stylistic features of two short stories and later design their own short stories in French.
  • literacy,
  • literature,
  • stylistics,
  • writing
Publication Date
December, 2009
Citation Information
Heather Willis Allen. "A literacy-based approach to the advanced French writing course" The French Review Vol. 83 Iss. 2 (2009)
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