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For a pedagogy of multiliteracies: Reconciling communicative and text-centered instruction in elementary and intermediate FL courses
Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language, and Literacy (2011)
  • Heather W. Allen, University of Miami
  • Beatrice Dupuy, University of Arizona
This two-day workshop is part of CERCLL's 2011 summer workshop series. To register to participate, see CERCLL's Institutes and Workshops webpage. Summary: The 2007 MLA Report calls for large-scale curricular reform in university foreign language (FL) departments to integrate the study of language, literature, and culture and move beyond the language-content dichotomy that typically characterizes the undergraduate curriculum. A pedagogy of multiliteracies is proposed as a pathway toward this curricular reform. On Day 1, the presenters will engage the audience in identifying key features of the communicative language teaching paradigm and in considering how similar or different key features of a pedagogy of multiliteracies might be. Presenters and participants will then examine pedagogical frameworks and strategies for integrating textual content into introductory language courses. Next, the presenters will invite participants to consider what implementing a pedagogy of multiliteracies in the introductory curriculum might mean in terms of content to be taught. Mindful of the fact that textbook materials not only serve as a model of language use for teachers and students but also often function as "the bedrock of syllabus design and lesson planning" (Kramsch, 1988, p. 63), meaning that textbook materials are the curriculum "by default" in introductory-level courses, together presenters and participants will reflect on the following questions: How can we move beyond the textbook as the primary source of content and vehicle for organizing instruction? How do we go about selecting and sequencing textual content? A few models which have been successful in expanding on materials found in textbooks used in introductory language programs will be used as a basis to jump-start the discussion. On Day 2, participants will work in groups to select a thematic unit in the textbook they use, locate textual genres for inclusion, sequence the selected textual content, and develop activities that can engage students with it and facilitate their linguistic development. Groups will present and share their work with others.
Publication Date
June, 2011
Citation Information
Heather W. Allen and Beatrice Dupuy. "For a pedagogy of multiliteracies: Reconciling communicative and text-centered instruction in elementary and intermediate FL courses" Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language, and Literacy (2011)
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