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Beyond the language-literature divide: Advanced pedagogy for training graduate students
ADFL Bulletin (2009)
  • Heather W. Allen, University of Miami
In this article, my objectives are 1) to discuss current practices and challenges related to the professional development of graduate students in foreign language departments as teachers; and 2) to provide a rationale for and description of a graduate seminar that serves to prepare future professors to develop students' analytical, critical, and argumentative capacities in the advanced undergraduate curriculum. It is my hope to encourage further discussion of integrative approaches to teaching foreign language at all levels by providing a concrete example of how graduate student professional development can include issues of language in advanced courses. A one-semester advanced foreign language pedagogy seminar for Ph.D. students of literature is described.
  • literacy,
  • teacher development,
  • graduate students
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Article reprinted by permission of the copyright owner: The Association of Departments of Foreign Languages
Citation Information
Heather W. Allen. "Beyond the language-literature divide: Advanced pedagogy for training graduate students" ADFL Bulletin Vol. 41 Iss. 2 (2009)
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