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Co-curricular tools for reflective practice: DePaul's strategies for critical reflection
Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education Conference (2015)
  • Jennifer O'Brien, DePaul University
  • Lynn Copp, DePaul University
  • Lauri Dietz, DePaul University
  • Heather Jagman, DePaul University
Are you looking for new ways to encourage faculty, staff, and student employees to become more effective reflective practitioners? Inspired by theorists such as David Kolb who asserts that reflection is the bridge to learning being transferred from one context to another, we've learned at DePaul that creating a university-wide culture of reflection requires co-curricular collaboration. By learning from and reinforcing each other's reflective practices, our aim is to help maximize the transfer of learning across curricular and co- curricular contexts. Join us for an interactive session where the facilitators will model reflective activities that foster professional learning, growth, and change.
  • Writing Centers,
  • Teaching Centers,
  • Faculty Development,
  • Staff Development
Publication Date
November 7, 2015
Citation Information
Jennifer O'Brien, Lynn Copp, Lauri Dietz and Heather Jagman. "Co-curricular tools for reflective practice: DePaul's strategies for critical reflection" Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education Conference (2015)
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