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Mood and Emotion Control: Some Thoughts on the State of the Field
Psychological Inquiry
  • Dianne M Tice
  • Harry M. Wallace, Case Western Reserve University
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The myriad perspectives and topics introduced by the authors and commentators in this issue highlight the complexities of the current state of affect regulation research. The viewpoints expressed were incredibly diverse yet relatively few of these viewpoints were contradictory or redundant. This demonstrates the fertility of affect regulation as a research area but it presents problems for authors facing the task of literature integration. The authors, as well as the commentators, differed in their methods, definitions, emphasis, perspective, and breadth of scope. This diversity of approaches reflects the current state of the field of affect regulation: There is no dominant paradigm. Authors can't even agree on what affect regulation is. The contrast is apparent in the target articles and the commentaries to them.

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Citation Information
Tice, D. M., & Wallace M. (2000). Mood and emotion control: Some thoughts on the state of the field. Psychological Inquiry, 11(3), 214-217. doi: 10.1207/S15327965PLI1103_06