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Kant, the Duty to Promote International Peace, and Political Intervention
Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress, Volume II
  • Harry van der Linden, Butler University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
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Kant argues that it is the duty of humanity to strive for an enduring peace between the nations. For Kant, political progress within each nation is essential to realizing lasting peace, and so one would expect him to view political intervention- defined as coercive interference by one nation, or some of its citizens, with the affairs of another nation in order to bring about political improvements in that nation-as justified in some cases.! Kant, however, explicitly rejects all intervention by force, and some aspects of his work support an unqualified prohibition of political intervention. In this paper I will examine on which grounds, stated or inferred, Kant's practical philosophy upholds the absolute prohibition of political intervention, and conclude that, although these grounds are inadequate, they have the merit of pointing to important restrictions on justified political intervention.


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Citation Information
Harry van der Linden. "Kant, the Duty to Promote International Peace, and Political Intervention" Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress, Volume II (1995) p. 71 - 81
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