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The Left and Humanitarian Intervention
Radical Philosophy Today
  • Harry van der Linden, Butler University
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Although the author concedes that much criticism from the left alleging ulterior imperialist motives of missions for “humanitarian intervention” is valid; nevertheless, the author argues that it would be wrong to rule out the concept of humanitarian intervention, even when conducted by imperialist powers for imperialist motives. The concept of “rescue” remains a valid humanitarian concept, and a logical foundation for solidarity with populations who find themselves under assault and defenseless. The author considers various regulative principles that may guide more careful thinking about humanitarian intervention.


This is a post-print version of an article originally published in Radical Philosophy Today, 2006, Volume 3.


The version of record is available at The Philosophy Documentation Center. Archived with permission, all rights reserved.

Volume title is "Liberation between Selves, Sexualities, and War"
Citation Information
Harry van der Linden. "The Left and Humanitarian Intervention" Radical Philosophy Today Vol. 3 (2006) p. 111 - 127
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