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Mathematical Analysis of Spherical Rectangle by H.C. Rajpoot
Applications of HCR's Theory of Polygon & HCR's Inverse Cosine Formula (2015)
  • Harish Chandra Rajpoot Rajpoot, HCR
All the articles have been derived by Mr H.C. Rajpoot by using simple geometry & trigonometry. All the formula are very practical & simple to apply in case of any spherical rectangle to calculate all its important parameters such as solid angle, surface area covered, interior angles etc. & also useful for calculating all the parameters of the corresponding plane rectangle obtained by joining all the vertices of a spherical rectangle by the straight lines. These formula can also be used to calculate all the parameters of the right pyramid obtained by joining all the vertices of a spherical rectangle to the center of the sphere such as normal height, angle between the consecutive lateral edges, area of plane rectangular base etc.
Publication Date
Winter February 9, 2015
Publisher Statement
Citation Information
Harish Chandra Rajpoot Rajpoot. "Mathematical Analysis of Spherical Rectangle by H.C. Rajpoot" Applications of HCR's Theory of Polygon & HCR's Inverse Cosine Formula (2015)
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