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Case example of the implementation of schoolwide positive behavior support in a high school setting
Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth
  • Hank Bohanon, Loyola University Chicago
  • Pamela Fenning, Loyola University Chicago
  • Kimberly Thier, Loyola University Chicago
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Publisher Name
Taylor and Francis

The purpose of this case study was to expand the literature base regarding the application of high school schoolwide positive behavior support (PBS) in an urban setting for practitioners and policymakers to address behavior issues. In addition, the study describes the use of the Change Point Test as a method for analyzing time series data that are dependent in nature. The researchers used an existing case study example to guide the implementation of the intervention. The overall implementation of PBS reached full fidelity during the final year. Focused professional development may have been related to changes in statistically significant office discipline referral trends. Implications for practice, future research, and policies are addressed.


This is an Author's Original Manuscript of an article whose final and definitive form, the Version of Record, has been published in the journal Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth 2012 © Taylor & Francis, available online at:

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Citation Information
Bohanon, H., Fenning, P., Hicks, K., Weber, S., Their, K., Akins. B., Morrissey, K., Briggs, A., Bartucci, G., Hoeper, L., Irvin, L., & McArdle, L. (2012). Case example of the implementation of schoolwide positive behavior support in a high school setting. Preventing School Failure, 56 (2), 92-103.