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La producción de investigación en las universidades privadas: Estudio de un caso
Enfoques (2011)
  • Gus Gregorutti
This case study describes how Tecnológico de Monterrey, in northern Mexico, has experienced a qualitative and quantitative increase in its intellectual productivity. In less than ten years, this university has moved from generating few ideas to being one of most distinguished Mexican private universities in the production of knowledge, patents and several research-derived businesses. This work explores how the re-elaboration of the institutional mission and the implementation of a model of research classes, among others, were decisive factors to increase the production of ideas. In this way, the university has increased its visibility and international ranking, attracting qualified re-searchers, developing students as future scientists. This study might be useful to administrator who are looking for ways of accomplishing the third mission in the 21st century.
  • research - private university - transfer of knowledge - research classes
Publication Date
Spring 2011
Citation Information
Gus Gregorutti. "La producción de investigación en las universidades privadas: Estudio de un caso" Enfoques Vol. XIII Iss. 2 (2011) p. 5 - 20
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