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Learning Needs and Adaption Problems of Foreign Graduate Students
Canadian Society for Studies of Higher Education Professional File (1996)
  • Gulbahar Huxur, University of British Columbia
  • Earl Mansfield, University of British Columbia
  • Reginald Nnazor, University of British Columbia
  • Hans Schuetze, University of British Columbia
  • Megumi Segawa, University of British Columbia
The number of students, including graduate students, who study abroad is on the rise. Although many studies have addressed the political, financial, and organizational dimensions of studying abroad, the learning needs and
adaptation problems of individuals have received little attention. In this article, the five co-authors present their
views, based on their own experiences as foreign graduate students. Along with the findings of other research
studies, they offer recommendations for policy and practice related to graduate study by foreign students.
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Reproduced with permission from the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Professional File
vol. 15 (1996).
Citation Information
Gulbahar Huxur, Earl Mansfield, Reginald Nnazor, Hans Schuetze, et al.. "Learning Needs and Adaption Problems of Foreign Graduate Students" Canadian Society for Studies of Higher Education Professional File Vol. 15 (1996) p. 1 - 19
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