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Talent on the Move: Migration Patterns of the Young and College-Educated in Pre and Post-Recession America – Migration Trends Across the Largest Midwestern Metros
Publications, Reports and Presentations
  • Jason R. Jurjevich, Portland State University
  • Greg Schrock, Portland State University
  • Jihye Kang, Portland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Emigration and immigration -- Economic aspects,
  • Demographic surveys

In the most recent period, 2012-2014, the Midwest’s largest metro areas attracted and retained almost 37,000 YCE migrants, which is almost double the number during the Great Recession period. Although the region’s largest city, Chicago, recorded the largest net in/migration of YCEs (11,033) in 2012-2014, Kansas City recorded the highest NMQ of YCEs (18.6 percent), followed by Columbus, OH (18.5 percent) and Detroit (16.4 percent). Detroit’s turnaround is particularly noteworthy; the Motor City metro posted the second highest change in NMQ values between the two periods (second only to Birmingham). Two metros reported a net out/migration of YCEs, one being Buffalo (-14.5 percent), and the other being Milwaukee (-7.0 percent).


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Issue Brief (2016-2)

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Citation Information
Jason R. Jurjevich, Greg Schrock and Jihye Kang. "Talent on the Move: Migration Patterns of the Young and College-Educated in Pre and Post-Recession America – Migration Trends Across the Largest Midwestern Metros" (2016)
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