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OpenWAR: An Open Source System for Evaluating Overall Player Performance in Major League Baseball
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports
  • Benjamin S. Baumer, Smith College
  • Shane T. Jensen, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
  • Gregory J. Matthews, Loyola University of Chicago
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Within sports analytics, there is substantial interest in comprehensive statistics intended to capture overall player performance. In baseball, one such measure is wins above replacement (WAR), which aggregates the contributions of a player in each facet of the game: hitting, pitching, baserunning, and fielding. However, current versions of WAR depend upon proprietary data, ad hoc methodology, and opaque calculations. We propose a competitive aggregate measure, openWAR, that is based on public data, a methodology with greater rigor and transparency, and a principled standard for the nebulous concept of a "replacement" player. Finally, we use simulation-based techniques to provide interval estimates for our openWAR measure that are easily portable to other domains.

Peer reviewed accepted manuscript.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Citation Information
Benjamin S. Baumer, Shane T. Jensen and Gregory J. Matthews. "OpenWAR: An Open Source System for Evaluating Overall Player Performance in Major League Baseball" Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports Vol. 11 Iss. 2 (2015) p. 69 - 84
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