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The Influence of a Mother’s Attachment Representation on the Quality of Her Interactions with Each of Her Children
Psychology Presentations
  • Vanessa Villani, University of Western Ontario
  • Greg Moran, University of Western Ontario
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This study evaluated whether certain maternal states of mind, as assessed by the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI), would lead to more similarities/differences in maternal behaviors across multiple infants, as defined by the domains of the Maternal Behavior Q-Sort. Results indicated that “unresolved” maternal states of mind incline mothers to behave more similarly with their two infants than mothers with non-autonomous or autonomous states of mind in terms of responsiveness and affect sharing behaviors.

Presented at the Meetings of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, California in June 2009.
Citation Information
Vanessa Villani and Greg Moran. "The Influence of a Mother’s Attachment Representation on the Quality of Her Interactions with Each of Her Children" (2009)
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