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McNamara 20160717 - The Chase - Rogers PMN panorama with MetaMatters link at bottom - MV1 codec Q095, TQR095.AVI
  • George McNamara
2016 update of my panoramic movie of "The Chase". this adds a new bottom text to
that contains a download of my four MetaMatters newsletter articles about this movie.

Bottom left: original movie (jumpy as cells move to new fields of view).

Top has four segments: 1. Panorama version of David Rogers 1950's timelapse movie. 2. Addition of white cell outlines for the neutrophil. 3. Topographic surface map (TSM) with outlines. Made using MetaMorph Imaging System version 7.7. TSM command was present in version 1.0 of MetaMorph, released in 12/1992. 4. Temporal area map (TAM) with outlines. bottom right shows the same TAM data in monochrome (with blue for non-covered areas) plus TAM histogram. Made using MetaMorph Imaging System version 7.7. TAM was made using the "Stack Arithmetic: Sum" command, which was was a MetaMorph very early build, circa summer 1992, pre-version 1.0, which was released in 12/1992.

Temporal area maps were invented by George McNamara and Prof. Robert P. Futrelle, circa 1984, when we were at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Later in 1990 George Used Image-1/AT image acquisition/processing/analysis software in the laboratory of Prof. Neal First, University of Wisconsin-Madison to make digital TAM's (Dr. McNamara recieved information from the Image-1/AT manufacturer, Universal Imaging Corp., to program the Matrox MVP-AT digitizer board to do the image summing). Dr. McNamara joined UIC in summr 1992 as the MetaMorph applications scientist.

A key feature of TAM's for scientific imaging is that the data histograms of the TAM data (1's for every time point pixel or voxel covered) for multiple cells can be added together as histogram data, and different experimental conditions compared by a non-parametric statistical test, such as the "K-S" statistic.
  • neutrophil,
  • timelapse,
  • chemotaxis
Publication Date
Summer July 17, 2016
Citation Information
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