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Public Health Delivery Systems and Population Health: What We Know and Need to Learn
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Grand Rounds (2013)
  • Glen P Mays, University of Kentucky
Efforts to improve population health hinge on the performance of the complex and heterogeneous delivery systems that are charged with implementing public health programs and policies across the U.S. Rigorous research on public health delivery systems historically has been much more limited than research on the specific programs and policies they deliver. Correcting these gaps in knowledge and evidence will allow for accelerated progress in improving health and containing costs through prevention.
Publication Date
Winter February 15, 2013
Citation Information
Glen P Mays. "Public Health Delivery Systems and Population Health: What We Know and Need to Learn" U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Grand Rounds (2013)
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