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Public Health Return-on-Investment Template - Demonstration Version
  • Glen Mays, University of Kentucky
The Public Health Return on Investment (ROI) Template is designed to help public health organizations estimate the economic returns from investments made in strategies that enhance public health service delivery, including quality improvement (QI) interventions. Depending on data availability, the template can be used to support retrospective analyses of actual investments as well as prospective analyses of potential future investments. The tool is designed to analyze economic returns realized through one ore more of the following pathways: (1) Reductions in routine operating costs; (2) Increases in revenue streams; (3) Increases in the outputs produced through agency services/functions; (4) Reductions in the time required to produce outputs; (5) Increases in the reach and/or health impact of agency services/functions. This is a demonstration version of the ROI template that has been created to test approaches for applying ROI concepts and methods to public health improvement projects and support experimentation and learning. Further development and testing of the template will be required before a fully functional ROI application is released. Accordingly, users of the demonstration version should use caution when interpreting results.
Publication Date
October 30, 2012
This tool was developed for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials under the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Public Health Improvement Initiative.
Citation Information
Glen Mays. "Public Health Return-on-Investment Template - Demonstration Version" (2012)
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