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Effects of Predator Size and Female Receptivity on Courtship Behavior of Captive-Bred Male Guppies
Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science (1993)
  • Given Harper, Illinois Wesleyan University
  • Kristin Braun
The effects of predator size and female receptivity on the courtship behavior of captivebred male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) were investigated. Male guppies exhibited riskreckless courtship behavior in that they did not decrease the amount of time spent performing visually conspicuous sigmoid displays and increase the frequency of attempted forced copulations when large predatory fish were present. Female receptivity (i.e., virgin or non-virgin females) also had no effect on male courtship behavior.
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Transactions(formerly Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science) is published by the Illinois State Academy of Science, and provided here with permission.
Citation Information
Given Harper and Kristin Braun. "Effects of Predator Size and Female Receptivity on Courtship Behavior of Captive-Bred Male Guppies" Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science Vol. 86 Iss. 3 (1993) p. 127 - 132
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