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About Gillian K Hadfield

My research is focused on problems of legal design in market democracies in the context of globalization, innovation and technology. I am currently working on the challenge of AI governance and the AI alignment problems and computational models to analyze the phenomenon and characteristics of normativity and legal order. I continue to work on questions of how the markets for law, lawyers and dispute resolution affect the production of law. This involves questions not only of the price and quality of legal services but also of innovation in the provision of legal goods and services and the provision of the 'soft infrastructure' that supports globalized innovative economic activity. I am particularly interested in thinking about how the existing regulatory structures for law inhibits innovation in law to meet the needs of the new global economy and the potential for more market-based methods of providing legal inputs to support economic growth, democracy and global integration.


2022 - Present CIFAR AI Chair, Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence
2019 - Present Schwartz Reisman Chair in Technology and Society, University of Toronto ‐ Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society
2018 - Present Professor of Law, University of Toronto, Faculty of Law
2018 - Present Professor of Strategic Management, University of Toronto Rotman School of Management
2017 - Present Faculty Affiliate, University of California, Berkeley

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

Legal Design, Law and Economics, Contract Theory, and Artificial Intelligence

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Articles (36)