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Scoping study to investigate online learning environments to facilitate evidence sharing by literacy and numeracy practitioners (LNET project)
Digital learning research
  • Michele Lonsdale, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
  • Alana Deery
  • Gerry K White, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
  • Carol Skyring
Publication Date
Learning communities, Learning environments, Professional development, Numeracy, Literacy education, Online learning, Shared resources and services, Teacher effectiveness

This Final Report which incorporates findings reported in an earlier Interim Report for the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) in March 2009.


The purpose of the scoping study was to identify effective online interfaces or learning environments that provide education stakeholders with opportunities to share examples of good practice, ideas and quality resources. A review of the literature was undertaken and consultations carried out with a wide range of education stakeholders via focus groups, telephone interviews, videoconference and online survey. Those consulted included ICT experts, representatives of professional education associations, teachers, and personnel from state and territory Independent, Catholic and government jurisdictions. The main obstacles to usage continue to be lack of time and lack of confidence among teachers. School leadership that does not model a strong commitment to ICT and professional learning was also raised as an issue. Another reason identified in the literature and supported by anecdotal evidence through the consultations is that not all teachers are willing to share resources.

Place of Publication
Camberwell, Vic.
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Citation Information
Lonsdale, M., Deery, A., White, G., & Skyring, C. (2009). Scoping study to investigate online learning environments to facilitate evidence sharing by literacy and numeracy practitioners (LNET project). Camberwell, Australia: Australian Council for Educational Research.