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Digital fluency: skills necessary for the digital age.
Professional Educator (2013)
  • Gerry K White, ACER

Many researchers argue that major innovations, especially the internet, adopted by society, have an effect on the structure of the human brain, which may or may not be a change for the better. If the structure of the human brain and ways of finding information and communication are changing as a result of the internet, then changes to the way that students learn, and probably what they are learning, would appear to follow. This article examines the skills that will be required for the twenty first century that will need to be embedded in educational curricula in order to achieve them. It begins by considering how communication between people has changed as well as current educational responses. A view of twenty first century skills follows with an argument for a new core subject that will be necessary. Learning and teaching are then discussed leading to a view about what is needed in order to develop fluency in education, for now and the future.

  • Digital fluency,
  • Digital age,
  • Technological,
  • pedagogical and content knowledge,
  • TPACK,
  • Twenty first century skills
Publication Date
November, 2013
Citation Information
Gerry K White. "Digital fluency: skills necessary for the digital age." Professional Educator Iss. 6 (2013)
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