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Education Network Australia - Discover, Communicate, Collaborate
British Council - Web Strategies Workshop (2003)
  • Gerald K White

This paper is about an innovative collaborative venture of the Australian Commonwealth and State/Territories Education Governments, initiated in the mid ‘90s. The initiative was a response to the emerging need of the education and training communities for a coordinated approach in optimising the potential of information and communications technology (ICT) in teaching and learning at all levels – early childhood, schools, adult and vocational education and training, and higher education. The project is managed by limited, a national Australian ICT agency established by a ministerial council of all Australian Ministers of Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA) for the collaborative development of major online national projects on behalf of the education and train ing community.

Publication Date
February, 2003
Citation Information
Gerald K White. "Education Network Australia - Discover, Communicate, Collaborate" British Council - Web Strategies Workshop (2003)
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