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Spatial Hyperdynamism in a Post-Disturbance Simulated Forest
Ecological Modelling
  • Qian Wang
  • George P. Malanson, University of Iowa
Document Type
Peer Reviewed
Publication Date
DOI of Published Version

Spatial hyperdynamism in a post-disturbance simulated forest is studied. When the cutting rate is high and if the cutting pattern is scattered or involving a larger area, the two landscape metrics have much greater variance after cutting. After cutting the potential interaction between different species is more dynamic than that before the cutting, which can be detected from the variation of the proximity measure. These dynamics are primarily driven by the appearance and disappearance of single cell patches as colonizers temporarily occupy cells vacated by the deaths of better competitors. Boundary cells are most likely to be dynamic because their habitat is near equal for competing species. The number of the patches, and distribution of patches are highly dynamic, which has a significant effect on the average patch area and proximity.

Published Article/Book Citation
Ecological Modelling, 215:4 (2008) pp.337-337.
Citation Information
Qian Wang and George P. Malanson. "Spatial Hyperdynamism in a Post-Disturbance Simulated Forest" Ecological Modelling Vol. 215 Iss. 4 (2008) p. 337 - 337 ISSN: 0304-3800
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