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Written Testimony before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, 27 February 2019
United States Senate (2019)
  • George H Baker, III
The nature of EMP and GMD effects on our grid can be severe, to be sure. These phenomena introduce abnormal transient electrical currents into systems precipitating upset and thermal damage within electrical and electronic components.  Consequences involve risk measurement units of millions of casualties (EMP Commission), trillions of dollars (Lloyds of London), and, dents in the history of civilization (Center for Policy on Emerging Technology). The good news is that well-known, effective, and practical engineering solutions are available to counter these threats. We have the engineering know-how and tools to protect ourselves. What is lacking is resolve.  The present testimony addresses questions posed by Senator Johnson and his staff regarding the severity of EMP and GMD system/network effects and the status of national preparedness to operate through and recover from these effects.
Publication Date
February 27, 2019
Citation Information
George H Baker. "Written Testimony before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, 27 February 2019" United States Senate (2019)
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