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Unpublished Paper
Remembering Charles W. Baker
  • George H Baker, III, James Madison University
  • William D Sissom, Jr.

Many of us remembering Charles Baker as students might recall the figure of a gentle man quietly navigating the halls of Aberdeen High School; an individual who preferred to blend in rather than attract any degree of unwanted attention. Others, who had the privilege to have taken a step deeper into his life space, discovered any notion of perceived timidity quickly was replaced by a burning passion for the arts, which he exuberantly practiced. This enthusiasm along with patient understanding, a love of family, community and country coalesced to form his gifted teaching method. And then there were the musicians, from beginner to accomplished, that were inspired to excel and who filled classrooms, auditoriums and football halftime shows with song and celebration, who might recall as part of their musical experience Chuck’s “signature lead in” that started many a song with the familiar toe tapping, fingers snapping and head shaking side to side . Despite the absence of national fame, to Chuck’s band and orchestra members, his lead-in was every bit as memorable as Lawrence Welk’s baton or Mitch Miller’s flailing elbows and twin “OK” sign hand gestures.

In whatever manner we choose to recount the life of Charles Winfield Baker, it is certain he should be remembered as the best, most recent example of an individual who gave so much for so many, and passed quietly away from our conscious view. Few may recognize the extent of his contributions to the town of Aberdeen, the County of Harford, or the State of Maryland – even fewer would suspect that, despite his often quiet demeanor, he was a wartime P51 and F84 fighter pilot. And, as is life, none will ever measure the influence he had on the quality of our life or in the lives of our progeny. Thank you Charles!

Please take a moment to peruse the related articles on this site to reflect on the victorious life of Charles Winfield Baker and then celebrate the legacy of Charles W. Baker with us, the Aberdeen High School Class of 1970 and State of Mind Band. And thank you for taking the moment of your busy day to share in his memory.

Best Regards, Billy D Sissom Jr. G. Harold Baker

  • Teacher Memorial
Publication Date
January, 2010
Citation Information
George H Baker and William D Sissom. "Remembering Charles W. Baker" (2010)
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