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Teaching over interactive video: Creating connections
Journal of Nursing Education (2000)
  • Genevieve Chandler, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • P. Hanrahan
This article addresses the two essential elements of distance learning: the technology and the pedagogy. Both areas are discussed through the four components--information, support, resources, and relationships--of a work effectiveness model. Drawing from recent literature and their experience, the authors offer strategies for making interactive video technology "invisible" while engaging students at a distance. Students experience connections when faculty know how to manage the equipment, plan ahead, and consciously construct strategies for creating relationships across the miles.
Publication Date
February, 2000
Citation Information
Genevieve Chandler and P. Hanrahan. "Teaching over interactive video: Creating connections" Journal of Nursing Education Vol. 39 Iss. 2 (2000)
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