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Differentiating the curriculum : a lot of effort for little gain
Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) (2007)
  • S Atkins
  • Gayl O'Connor
  • L Rowe

The Learning Federation (TLF) project employs emerging technologies to produce online curriculum content to encourage student learning and support teachers in Australian and New Zealand schools. Teachers and students in 20 schools participated in a field trial of a differentiated curriculum model that incorporated online curriculum content and associated assessment components. Teacher and student interviews were conducted to collect information in accordance with the study aims, which were to ascertain the extent to which the Differentiated Curriculum model resulted in increased knowledge by the teacher of individual student achievement; increased knowledge of the next appropriate activity for teaching and learning; increased knowledge by the students of their content understanding; and increased knowledge by the student of the next appropriate activity for learning. The Differentiated Curriculum model used a Learning Management System (LMS) for delivery. Upon commencement, each student completed a pre- test conducted as a diagnostic tool. On the basis of the pre-test results, the student progressed through an individualised learning pathway, culminating in the completion of a post-test. The data reported in this paper is qualitative in nature, reflecting teacher and student perceptions of the value of explicit and immediate feedback on student understanding against specified learning outcomes. This paper reports on initial findings and how they are being used to inform the technical and educational design principles for production of digital assessment resources. [Author abstract]

  • Computer assisted testing,
  • Evaluation methods,
  • Feedback,
  • Individualised education programs,
  • Instructional design,
  • Learning activities,
  • Mathematics curriculum,
  • Online learning,
  • Science curriculum,
  • Student assessment
Publication Date
Citation Information
S Atkins, Gayl O'Connor and L Rowe. "Differentiating the curriculum : a lot of effort for little gain" Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) (2007)
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