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Debatendo a Política de Imigração Europeia: Perspectivas para Liberalização da Imigração de Terceiros a UE (Debating European Union Immigration: Policy: Prospects for Third Party Immigration Liberalization)
Revista Conexão Política (2013)
  • Gaspare M Genna, Policy Studies Organization
This paper assesses the likelihood of developing an European Union level immigration control policy and the liberalization of third party immigration by using hypotheses developed from social identity theory. Through an analysis of Eurobarometer data collected in 2000, I confirm prior work which indicates that support for an EU level policy is more likely if individuals hold an EUropean identity. However intergroup competition (EU citizens vs. third party immigration) will lower the likelihood, even among European identity holders. Also the belief that an EU level policy would liberalize third party immigration also lowers the likelihood of supporting such a policy. The implication is that an EUropean level policy is not likely unless it is as restrictive as those found at the national level.
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Citation Information
Gaspare M Genna. "Debatendo a Política de Imigração Europeia: Perspectivas para Liberalização da Imigração de Terceiros a UE (Debating European Union Immigration: Policy: Prospects for Third Party Immigration Liberalization)" Revista Conexão Política Vol. 2 Iss. 2 (2013)
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