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About Gary R. Brodowicz (Emeritus)

Dr. Brodowicz is the director of the exercise physiology laboratory and director of the university's fitness assessment service-ON TRAC. Dr. Brodowicz is an American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)-certified Health/Fitness Director, and has completed ACSM Health/Fitness Instructor, ACSM Exercise Test Technologist, and YMCA Exercise Leader certifications. Most recently, he has worked closely with the Oregon Governor's Council on Physical Fitness & Sports, the Oregon Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity, and the Metro YMCA. He is a reviewer for ACSM's Health and Fitness Journal as well as the Journal of Athletic Training. Professional memberships include the American College of Sports Medicine, the American Physiological Society, and the Japanese Society of Sports and Osteopathic Therapy. Courses taught by Dr. Brodowicz include "Exercise Physiology," "Exercise Testing Techniques," "Physical Activity Today," "Physical Activity, Health and Disease," "Exercise, Nutrition, and Performance," "Quantitative Research Design and Analysis," "Obesity," "Women and Exercise," "Health Aspects of Aging," and "Biology of Aging." He advises master's students who undertake thesis and project work related to exercise, fitness, and measurement, and he regularly serves on thesis committees for biology students.


Present Professor, Portland State University OHSU-PSU School of Public Health


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