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Can we tell the difference and does it matter? Differences in achievement between girls and boys in Australian senior secondary education
The Curriculum Journal (1999)
  • Gabrielle Matters
  • Reg Allen
  • Ken Gray

The nature and interpretation of differences between the achievements of females and males in senior secondary school studies in Australia, and the implications for policy and practice of these perceived differences, are showing signs of change. The way-s in which these issues are discussed publicly across Australia are reviewed and then matched against indications that have emerged from data in one state (Queensland) and from other, published studies. This analysis suggests that there are important notions of gendered achievement that may not be receiving due consideration by those who formulate policy or analyse practice.

Publication Date
Summer 1999
Citation Information
Gabrielle Matters, Reg Allen and Ken Gray. "Can we tell the difference and does it matter? Differences in achievement between girls and boys in Australian senior secondary education" The Curriculum Journal Vol. 10 Iss. 2 (1999)
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