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Cooperative Transboundary Mechanism
Faculty Scholarship
  • Alena Drieschova
  • Gabriel Eckstein, Texas A&M University School of Law
Document Type
Book Section
Publication Date

Management of transboundary waters in increasingly becoming more challenging, and climate change is likely to exacerbate these pressures. Not least because climate change is a global issue, adaptation will require an international response. This book aims to identify issues, both theoretical and practical, that States face in establishing cooperative transboundary mechanisms to effectively adapt water management to climate change. Furthermore, it will address complex legal hurdles that existing transboundary water institutions face when attempting to adapt existing mechanisms to function in a changing climate. It will also provide an overview of best practices in transboundary adaptive water governance thus far, in hopes that it can serve as a basis for contributing towards developing a better understanding of the linkages between water and climate change, and what can be done to help institutions and societies to adapt.

Num Pages
IUCN Environmental Law Centre
Bonn, Germany
Juan Carlos Sanchez and Joshua Roberts
Book Title
Transboundary Water Governance: Adaptation to Climate Change
Citation Information
Sanchez, Juan Carlos and Roberts, Joshua (Eds.) (2014). Transboundary Water Governance. Adaptation to Climate Change, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. Available at