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Instrumentos multisectoriales para la detección de sectores clave en el análisis regional
Revista de Estudios Regionales (2014)
  • Ferran Sancho, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
  • Alejandro Cardenete, Universidad Pablo de olavide
Detection of key sectors in any economy, whether national and regional level, is a key issue to which policymakers have to face when they need to take decisions to promote economic growth and regional development. Their identification, therefore, becomes a key objective, both to support the growth of macroeconomic variables such as GDP (gross domestic product) or GVA (gross value added), and increasing the number of jobs, or if a regional viewpoint is adopted, to be able to envision the impact of public spending at the regional level.
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Citation Information
Ferran Sancho and Alejandro Cardenete. "Instrumentos multisectoriales para la detección de sectores clave en el análisis regional" Revista de Estudios Regionales Iss. 100 (2014)
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